Friday, April 17, 2009


Yesterday I was listening to an interview with Phil Keoghan on TheFredCast cycling podcast. Phil is riding across America and raising money for the MS Society. He rides a century every day as he works his way across the country. That interview started me thinking about what inspires and motivates cyclists to train and ride hard.

As a fairly self-motivated person, it doesn't take much to get me to jump on my bike and go for a ride. But going for a ride, and training, are very different. Jumping on my trainer at 10pm when I would really just like to chill out in front of the TV or go to bed takes a little extra motivation.

I've found that a few things can provide that little push:

1) Expectations. I know that my coach is expecting to see a file the next day. I hate to let other people down. If I know someone is showing up at 6am to ride I can drag myself out of bed and be ready to go. Knowing that my coach has worked to prepare a training plan, and is expecting to see the results of a workout is a motivating factor for me.

2) Work towards a goal. Training with a mind towards achieving long term and short term goals keeps me focused on the big picture. As I see myself achieving the short term goals (weight loss, increased wattage, etc.), I know that I am progressing towards the long term goal.

3) Work for a Cause. Riding to raise funds for the Lance Armstrong Foundation has put my efforts into a larger context. Now it is not just for me. People are spending their money to support me, and that adds a level of responsibility on my part to commit and follow through.

What inspires you?


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