Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Training with Ryan

This weekend my son Ryan decided he wanted to get serious about riding. He was inspired in part by a video he saw of a young boy named Liam and his dad Bill, training for Levi's GranFondo. Liam is 9 years old--here is their latest blog entry:

At 7 years old, I was pretty sure that Ryan would fit on his older sister's Trek Jr. road bike. Ryan has been on two wheels since we pulled off the training wheels when he was three, so he is very confident on a bike. We pulled the bike out of the garage and lowered the seat, and he just fit on. We did a little practice starting and stopping on the safety of our sidewalk, and Ryan was off and riding like a champ in no time!

Our first official "training ride" was on Saturday at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. This seemed like a good place to ride in a relatively car-free environment, with no stop signs or traffic signals to deal with. Ryan was able to comfortably complete 4 laps of the Bowl--about 13 miles--in just over an hour. He really had a great time! Here is a little video of that ride:

Today, we had a little time after homework, so we took to the streets. It was Ryan's introduction to stop signs, traffic lights, cars (moving and parked!), and a few short hills. We ventured out from our house in San Gabriel via side streets to South Pasadena. The fading sunlight and cooling temperature kept our ride to about 45 minutes, but it was a great time. A couple of fellow cyclists even joined in for a bit to cheer Ryan on.

It's been a great introduction for Ryan, and we are really enjoying our time training together! Our goal is to enter Ryan in an organized ride this Spring--maybe something in the 25-35 mile category. It is going to be a fun adventure.

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